Notification system opens two SMTP sessions each time


New Member
May 9, 2024

I have setup a new Notification Target using SMTP to my internal server.

2024-05-23 08 27 42.png
Everything works fine (test, backup notifications, ...).

But I have found that two sessions are openened for every mail.

Here is the smtp sessions on my mail server.

[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Task 196 handler BEGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Task 197 handler BEGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Task 196 handler starting
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Task 197 handler starting
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} SMTP submission server session begin; client connected from proxmox-1.mydomain.tld:47264
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} SMTP submission server session begin; client connected from proxmox-1.mydomain.tld:47262
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Sent SMTP greeting to proxmox-1.mydomain.tld:47264
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent SMTP greeting to proxmox-1.mydomain.tld:47262
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Command EHLO proxmox-1
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Sent reply to EHLO: 250 mail.mydomain.tld ...
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command EHLO proxmox-1
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent reply to EHLO: 250 mail.mydomain.tld ...
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Command STARTTLS
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command STARTTLS
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Successfully switched to TLS mode
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Successfully switched to TLS mode
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Command EHLO proxmox-1
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command EHLO proxmox-1
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent reply to EHLO: 250 mail.mydomain.tld ...
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Sent reply to EHLO: 250 mail.mydomain.tld ...
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Command AUTH LOGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command AUTH LOGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Started authentication method LOGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Started authentication method LOGIN
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent reply to AUTH: 235 2.0.0 Authentication successful (user myuser@mydomain.tld)
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1192] {smtps} Sent reply to AUTH: 235 2.0.0 Authentication successful (user myuser@mydomain.tld)
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command MAIL FROM:<proxmox@mydomain.tld>
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent reply to MAIL: 250 2.1.0 Sender <proxmox@mydomain.tld> ok
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command RCPT TO:<notifications@mydomain.tld>
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Sent reply to RCPT: 250 2.1.5 Recipient <notifications@mydomain.tld> ok (local)
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Command DATA
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} 744 bytes received in command DATA
[23/May/2024 08:15:53][1028] {smtps} Message accepted for delivery
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1192] {smtps} Command QUIT
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1192] {smtps} SMTP server session end
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1192] {smtps} Task 196 handler END
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1028] {smtps} Command QUIT
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1028] {smtps} SMTP server session end
[23/May/2024 08:16:53][1028] {smtps} Task 197 handler END


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