After tring to configure firewall with iptables in a ssh connection for my vm 102. Something blocked and I switced to the webinterface :8006 and look a message in all vm terminals (warnig in red on the top) : message something no more space ...
I reboot system and now there is more acces to webinterface on
I don't understand below why unable to open config.db
I reboot system and now there is more acces to webinterface on
~# systemctl status pve-cluster.service
● pve-cluster.service - The Proxmox VE cluster filesystem
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2024-07-04 04:40:18 CEST; 7h ago
Process: 17443 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pmxcfs (code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION)
CPU: 8ms
~# journalctl -xe
Jul 04 12:25:46 pve pveproxy[1016]: worker 35926 started
Jul 04 12:25:46 pve pveproxy[35926]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/ line 1917.
I don't understand below why unable to open config.db
~# /usr/bin/pmxcfs --debug
[database] crit: unable to set WAL mode: disk I/O error#010 (database.c:117:bdb_create)
[main] crit: memdb_open failed - unable to open database '/var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db' (pmxcfs.c:888:main)
[main] notice: exit proxmox configuration filesystem (-1) (pmxcfs.c:1099:main)