Network configuration


Renowned Member
Oct 8, 2010
Network configuration (nat + forward)

Hello, I'm trying to setup proxmox to access my network but I'm lost :-(

Here is the current situation

I have 3 physical servers with 2 networks, each server has 2 network addresses on different network cards. One of the server has proxmox installed.

Network 1 is a public internet address and network 2 is a private lan (no direct access to internet) with addresses 192.168.1.x

The proxmox server has internal ip (eth1) and external ip (eth0)

I need to setup a windows vm that can access the internal network (samba filesharing) and the external network (needs to get files from internet)
I also need to forward the rdp port from to the rdp of the windows vm

I have created the same setup with virtualbox using net networking in the vm + virtualbox port forward for the rdp port so I think that I could do something similar for proxmox.

Any ideas ?

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Re: Network configuration (nat + forward)


you will need to setup two NICs on your VM

i will asumme the following scenario

eth0 is bridged with vmbr0 (external IP)
eth1 is bridged with vmbr1 (internal IP)

when you create your VM you go:

virtual machines > create
fill all the details as required (start first bridge with externat vmbr0)
(suggestion - choose e1000 for compatibility, all virtuallization system have that)

and click created, before you start it, from the list choose the newly created, and click on:

click on the red-down arrow next to 'Hardware device list for VM nnn'
and choose:

Add an ethernet device

model e1000
and choose the other bridge now (vmbr1)
that is it.

hope it works, and keep us posted either way.


Re: Network configuration (nat + forward)

Ok, I have created the bridges and added the ethernet devices to the vm
I have assigned an internal ip to the internal interface and it works ok (I can ping other internal hosts) , but I don't know what ip to assign to the external interface as I don't have free addresses on the external vlan.