Network card failed, replaced, now virtual machines won't boot


Nov 18, 2009
I have several virtual machines on my proxmox box. I replaced the network card for a Gigabit one, but now my machines that are based on CentOS4 won't boot.
They get stuck on:
Booting from Hard Disk...
GRUB Loading, please wait...
Booting from Hard Disk...
Grub Loading stage2...
cluster01:~# pveversion -v
pve-manager: 1.6-2 (pve-manager/1.6/5087)
running kernel: 2.6.32-4-pve
proxmox-ve-2.6.32: 1.6-19
pve-kernel-2.6.32-4-pve: 2.6.32-19
pve-kernel-2.6.24-8-pve: 2.6.24-16
qemu-server: 1.1-18
pve-firmware: 1.0-8
libpve-storage-perl: 1.0-14
vncterm: 0.9-2
vzctl: 3.0.24-1pve4
vzdump: 1.2-7
vzprocps: 2.0.11-1dso2
vzquota: 3.0.11-1
pve-qemu-kvm: 0.12.5-1
ksm-control-daemon: 1.0-4
Nothing anormal on log messages, the only thing that is visible is the memory usage that stays on 10% while CPU goes all the way to 98%.

Any help is appreciated!

Edit: adding quotes to better view ;)
chances are your Mac address range has now changed...
have you checked these in the config files?

dont quote me on this... as it has been some time - but I think you need to delete the udev file z25_persistent-net.rules inside the VM if you change the mac address:

> rm /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules #i think... research that just in case...
Many thanks for that!
It has actually fixed the swapped interfaces I had (eth0 had becoming eth1).
But unfortunately it didn't fix the booting problems.

Hi and thanks for posting,
I'm assuming they're not related. Because we had upgraded to the new kernel as soon as it came out and it was working fine.
Also I just went back to 2.6.24-8-pve to see if it would work, and had no joy. The behavior with the old kernel seems the same, we have debian, windows, slackware, centos5 and centos4 (3 of them). All boot fine, except the Centos4.

Ok, I found the problem!!! Many Thanks!!!
Something was changed in the machine BIOS that caused the problem.
When we went to configure the interfaces, we had to disabled the internal network card via the machine BIOS.
So what I did is went back and reconfigure the default BIOS again and voilá!
Sorry for the trouble.

Best Regards,