network architecture question


Renowned Member
Mar 29, 2010
first of all apologies if the following will sound stupid but i gotta start from somewhere and after reading pages and pages i still haven't figured out how-to

The situation is the following:
1 server running pve with 4 ip addresses.
IP A assigned to main server
IP B and C assigned to respective kvm

Now the problem: i'd like to use IP D for a kvm that will act as a router for other vms running in a virtual lan with the "router" acting as gateway to the internet.

Any idea how to config the networks for this? Please don't take anything for granted as i do have some understanding of networking but not a great deal.

Thanks in advance
Lets say:

VMBR0 -> eth0 with IP A
-> KVM eth0 with IP B
-> KVM eth0 with IP C
-> KVM eth0 with IP D

VMBR1 -> KVM eth1 for routing
-> VPS_1 eth0
-> VPS_2 eth0

so VMBR0 - for straight connection
VMBR1 - for routing connection
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Create VMBR0 and link your NIC (eth0), and other VPS who have IPs (A,B,C,D) (as i think you are running like this) to it. Then create VMBR1 and link all others VPS to it.
Your KVM with IP D must have 2 NIC. One for connecting to internet (vmbr0) and other for connecting to rest VPS for routing.

So KVM with IPs B,C and D will go through VMBR0 -> eth0. All other VPS will go VMBR1 -> KVM IP D -> VMBR0 -> eth0
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thank you, will try to set this up later on tonight. I think the hardest part here will be to setup IPCop on the machine with ip D as the others are allready up and running :D