move from ESXi to proxmox


New Member
May 13, 2008
I have an Dell 2970
2x AMD Hexacores (12x 2Ghz)
16GB Ram
580GB Raid 10 SAS
6 Gigabit Ports

currently i run the free ESXi from vmware on it

VMs are 3 Windows 2003 and one Linux (ubuntu 8.04.3)

The biggest issue is the backup on the ESXi and the "Windows bonded" Admin Tools.

Good reason to move to proxmox.

But one question
Do I get about the "same speed" of the VM, as on ESXi ?
sure linux will run faster, but Windows ?

Can i have multiple, independet networks ?
Like on NIC for LAN VM's, on for DMZ VM's ?

we moved from ESXi to Proxmox with our Windows and Linux machines. The Network from the different machines (Win and Linux) are attached to diffrent Vlan´s. There whas no problem. Performance .... mhhh .. what are installed on the Windows machines? We didn´t "feel" any performance difference on the Win machines. Linux feels mutch faster with openvz.

Regards, Valle
Ok thats sound good...

i have no critical stuff runing on the ESXi

There is a WSUS Server, MS DNS for the local network, sql2000 and sql2005 servers and a ubuntu vsftp server. a webserver (linux) and a wiki server may will follow.
We migrated several Win2003 R2 Terminal Servers and a domain controller from ESX 3.0.2 to Proxmox 1.3. We used VMWare Converter Standalone 4 to convert the machines to VMWare Server 1.x compatible machines and then followed the howto.

After reconfiguring network cards everything runs smooth and I have not noticed any performance slowdowns. The processes on the serves are mostly CPU bound so I can't really tell about network or disk I/O performance.

The domain controller complained about missing sysvol shares but perhaps this was related to the missing network setup shortly after migrating. Could be solved by following instructions on MS knowledgebase.