I'm having issues with a new LXC I have created. I am trying to back-it up to a HDD connected to the same machine. The backup process will start fine and finish the file sync, but will get stuck on this part: INFO: starting final sync /proc/31416/root/ to /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304.
Here's an example. In this particular case I cancelled the backup but yesterday it was stuck in the step for more than 4h (until I woke up and cancelled it).
Any ideas on what could be happening?
I'm having issues with a new LXC I have created. I am trying to back-it up to a HDD connected to the same machine. The backup process will start fine and finish the file sync, but will get stuck on this part: INFO: starting final sync /proc/31416/root/ to /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304.
Here's an example. In this particular case I cancelled the backup but yesterday it was stuck in the step for more than 4h (until I woke up and cancelled it).
Any ideas on what could be happening?
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 304 --compress zstd --mode snapshot --remove 0 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --node zeus --storage local-backups-ferraz
INFO: filesystem type on dumpdir is 'zfs' -using /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304 for temporary files
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 304 (lxc)
INFO: Backup started at 2023-09-14 13:07:27
INFO: status = running
INFO: CT Name: frigate
INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
INFO: mode failure - some volumes do not support snapshots
INFO: trying 'suspend' mode instead
INFO: backup mode: suspend
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: CT Name: frigate
INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
INFO: starting first sync /proc/31416/root/ to /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304
INFO: first sync finished - transferred 3.34G bytes in 29s
INFO: suspending guest
INFO: starting final sync /proc/31416/root/ to /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304
INFO: resume vm
INFO: guest is online again after 14 seconds
ERROR: Backup of VM 304 failed - command 'rsync --stats -h -X -A --numeric-ids -aH --delete --no-whole-file --sparse --one-file-system --relative '--exclude=/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/run/?*.pid' /proc/31416/root//./ /var/tmp/vzdumptmp1232345_304' failed: interrupted by signal
INFO: Failed at 2023-09-14 13:08:12
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors