Hello everyone,
This is a translated copy of my post in the german part of this forum. I hope the international part of this community can help me.
I'm trying to configure the automatic generation of Let's Encrypt certificates for my Proxmox nodes in my homelab. My DNS provider is All-Inkl (https://all-inkl.com/).
I have installed the "kas" plugin and configured it in Proxmox. I have also entered the API access data for All-Inkl.
When I try to create a certificate, I get the following error message:
I have already tried to check the API access data, but I can't find any errors.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance!
This is a translated copy of my post in the german part of this forum. I hope the international part of this community can help me.
I'm trying to configure the automatic generation of Let's Encrypt certificates for my Proxmox nodes in my homelab. My DNS provider is All-Inkl (https://all-inkl.com/).
I have installed the "kas" plugin and configured it in Proxmox. I have also entered the API access data for All-Inkl.
When I try to create a certificate, I get the following error message:
[KAS] -> API URL https://kasapi.kasserver.com/soap/KasApi.php
[KAS] -> AUTH URL https://kasapi.kasserver.com/soap/KasAuth.php
[KAS] -> Using DNS-01 All-inkl/Kasserver hook
[KAS] -> Check and Save Props
[KAS] -> Adding _acme-challenge.pve.meinedomaene.de DNS TXT entry on all-inkl.com/Kasserver
[KAS] -> Retriving Credential Token
[KAS] -> Could not retrieve login token or antoher error =>Cannot access offset of type string on string<= occurred, please check manually.
[KAS] -> Checking Zone and Record_Name
[KAS] -> Either no domains were found or another error =>no_auth<= occurred, please check manually.
[KAS] -> Checking for existing Record entries
[KAS] -> Either no domains were found or another error =>no_auth<= occurred, please check manually.
[KAS] -> No record found.
[KAS] -> Creating TXT DNS record
[KAS] -> An error =>no_auth<= occurred, please check manually.
Error add txt for domain:
I have already tried to check the API access data, but I can't find any errors.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance!