KVM (qcow2) to ProXmoX


New Member
Dec 23, 2014

I'm testing proxmox to see if it's a good alternative to KVM.

I've some qcow2 images that i need to restore in promox.

"Just create an new VM on Proxmox VE and add the existing disk image to this new VM, set the boot order and start." , I've seen this in wiki, but when I go to GUI, there is not option where I can set the qemu2 image.

Can someone help me ?

Thanks in advance.
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you have an "upload" button on any storage, if they can hold images you can use that.
then you have to move and rename the file (both by cli) as proxmox would do (create a sample kvm to see wher it is and how is named),
or edit the .conf file (by cli) and use the qcow2 file you have now in the storage.

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HI marco,

Thankd for your reply.

I've not done with that mode, but close to that.

Now, whem i'm trying to start the vm, i've
"root@promox:~# qm start 100No accelerator found!"

Why this error?

it seems hardware virt is not enabled, in some way.
it could depend on a number factors, but if you have a standard install, most frequent ones mb/cpu/bios must be compatible and bios must have it enabled.
