Kernel modules inside a container


Mar 21, 2009
Are kernel modules available inside a container? I am trying to setup MediaProxy which requires iptables and iptable_nat to be loaded, but the default virtual installation of debian 5.0 (downloaded from your site) doesn't contain the kernel module utilities.

I installed the utilities with
apt-get install module-init-tools

But now I still don't have the modules... I checked for apt-cache search linux modules and found a bunch for Xen, but nothing for OpenVZ...

So I tried installing the iptable_nat on the controller with modprobe iptable_nat, but my container still complained

May 8 15:19:48 mediaproxy01 media-relay[1421]: fatal error: failed to create MediaProxy Relay: Could not initialize the iptables 'nat' table. Missing kernel support or running without root priviliges.

Any ideas how to get this to work? Or am I SOL...

To have kernel modules working..
You have to take a look in "/etc/vz/vz.conf"
and at the line:

"## IPv4 iptables kernel modules"

There you can configure every module you want to load.

Do an: "/etc/init.d/vz restart"

After you edited and saved.


Edit: 'This is on the host machine, running Proxmox'