Keep consistent host version


Aug 8, 2022
We are slowly building our cluster and every time we go to add a new host to the cluster, the PVE version updates, so now I have to either shutdown or move VM's to update the hosts, so they are all the same. How can we stay on the same version as we add new hosts? Now, 8.3 came out and we are not ready to update to this release yet. If I add a new host and do the update, it will either be 8.2.x or 8.3.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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You could install a local "Apt mirror" and mirror the desired repositories. This would allow you to always have a specific version available. You have a number of tools that you can use.

You could install a local "Apt mirror" and mirror the desired repositories. This would allow you to always have a specific version available. You have a number of tools that you can use.

My issue is finding the desired repo to specify the version. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but how do I specify I just want the updates for 8.2.4 for instance? I don't know the syntax used to specify the versions I want. Setting up the repo's seem easy enough.
My issue is finding the desired repo to specify the version. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but how do I specify I just want the updates for 8.2.4 for instance? I don't know the syntax used to specify the versions I want. Setting up the repo's seem easy enough.

This would allow you to always have a specific version available.

Yes, sorry, I meant it differently. Unfortunately, a version cannot be specified directly. The status of the last mirror synchronization is your version status. A specific version can only be set if there is a separate repository for it.

In other words, you synchronize the mirrors, configure all the Proxmox servers you want for this offline mirror and update them in the next step. This gives you your own software version.

You will only be up to date again the next time you synchronize the mirror with the mirrors on the Internet. Until then, your offline version is the one, that will be used. I hope I was able to explain it reasonably clearly :).
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Unfortunately, a version cannot be specified directly.
To elaborate on this a little bit more: PVE does not have only one version. It is a sum of a couple of packages that have to be consided and you need to fix each and every one of them. The simplest method would be the mirror method described. There are other methods, yet those involve A LOT of manual work and room for error, e.g. by installing EACH package with specific version, which will mess with automatic dependencies.
You could also load the deb packages of the PVE 8.2 ISO into the mirror, but since these also have dependencies to Debian itself, this may lead to dependency issues between the sources. But you will only see this when you test it.
Yes, sorry, I meant it differently. Unfortunately, a version cannot be specified directly. The status of the last mirror synchronization is your version status. A specific version can only be set if there is a separate repository for it.

In other words, you synchronize the mirrors, configure all the Proxmox servers you want for this offline mirror and update them in the next step. This gives you your own software version.

You will only be up to date again the next time you synchronize the mirror with the mirrors on the Internet. Until then, your offline version is the one, that will be used. I hope I was able to explain it reasonably clearly :).
Yes, this made it more clear. Thank you.