iSCSI use blocks, it runs nearly like your computer talks to a local hard disk.
iSCSI is like a local disk but connected thru the network but the network is only another cable like SATA or SAS connectors
NFS is a network protocol used for sharing files with rights etc ... It runs on a server, with authentication, etc ... All that "network" fonctions slows ...
iSCSI is faster than NFS because it nearly only transports data packets, no network support packets and function.
iSCSI is far less secure, that is why it's used on dedicated networks not connected with anything.
On small install with small VMs or containers and good network, the difference is not very important because IOPS are small.
For VMs with lots IOPS, the iSCSI will be quicker.
The only interest in NFS shares is that you can very easily access the hard drive files of each VM in case of problem on the shared device.
In iSCSI, you cannot access to the iSCSI as easily.
If performance matters in iSCSI versus NFS, no doubt, iSCSI wins !
This link shown benchmark with Hyper-V (but it's the same thing in this case) but you will have several dashbords with IOPS comparison en network bandiwth. No doubt ... iSCSI wins in all case ...