Is there a way in proxomox to prevent spam emails from dynamic IP ?


New Member
May 17, 2009
Hi !

Is there a way in Proxmox to prevent emails from dynamic IPs (a little bit like the botnet spamassassin plugin) ?

In the past few weeks we saw a surge of spams that are not blocked by Proxmox (their SPAM lever is 2 or under) and all those spams come from computers with dynamics IP (their hostname contain the words adsl, dynamic, etc.).


Most tests does not depend on the static/dynamic attribute. For example RBL, all regex tests, greylist, ...

If you send your configuration (simply make a backup via web interface) to we can try to optimize it.

- Dietmar
check Trusted networks or white list; maybe it's a wrong configuration there (do not use!

Can you try to post some print screens with your configurantions?
Hi !

I'm using the free version of Proxmox, so I can't post a backup of the config.

For now, I enabled greylisting and it took care of the problem. The only problem with greylisting is that some emails take 1 hour to get through the first time.

But for the rest everything works fine.

Thank you for your help !
