IPv6 and Mail Gateway


Renowned Member
Feb 10, 2010
we're currently evaluating MG for one of our customers running as Proxmox VE containter ontop of one of our hosts.

We see no support for IPv6 in the webinterface.

Now we had the interesting situation where the destination mailbox-server is reachable via V4 and V6. Postfix within MG seems to prefer IPv6 which results in "timeout connecting to...".

For the fun we added an IPv6 address to the container (at first a /64 which seems to be totally disliked in this setup then a /128 which seems to work). Downside: postfix binds to IPv4 only (and other services too) which seems that a dualstack environment ist not really working (especially for the inbound way), yet to overcome problems like the above where the target host is reachable via IPv6 we have to add a respective address to the VE container anyway.

Please support IPv6 if possible or if this is not a viable option (why?) please do bind postfix to IPv4 only for the time being, especially for outgoing mails.

For testing, please can your set "inet_protocols = ipv4" in /var/lib/proxmox/templates/main.cf.in

After that run 'proxconfig -s' to rewrite the config files.

Any update on this ?
Running Proxmox Mail Gateway 4.0-9
Is IPv6 support on the roadmap ?