Inter-version Updates for Non Subscription?


Jul 25, 2023
Hi All,

All our production boxes are subscription devices - we pay :)

I a pre-production / test box - is there any way of getting these up to the latest major release without a rebuild?
I understand there needs to be a level of subscription only service however I thought it worth checking. As this is based on opensource..

Thank you!
Not sure if I understood you perfectly - but have you tried the pve-no-subscription repos?
you can run full functionality - absolutely all the updates with no sub?
Yes. The only difference between enterprise and no-sub repositories is that package updates go into no-sub first.
The enterprise one is thus more stable.
See here for details. I quote:
Proxmox VE No-Subscription Repository
As the name suggests, you do not need a subscription key to access this repository. It can be used for testing and non-production use. It’s not recommended to use this on production servers, as these packages are not always as heavily tested and validated.