InfluxDB Schema?


New Member
Feb 27, 2016

I've enabled the dumping of stats to InfluxDB via this wiki article. I'm querying around the InfluxDB instance and it seems as if Proxmox is dumping data into the instance, but I've been able to found zero documentation on the schema used by Proxmox.

Has anyone ever used this or know of anywhere that would document this schema?
Well, I've managed to determine that most of the data appears to be in the system measurement. Looks like I can filter by the vmid tag to try and find data specific to each instance.

However, I'm only seeing data from my containers and none of my KVM instances. When I filter by the vmid of the KVM instances I'm not getting any data returned.

Perhaps a staff member can provide some insight?
Hi,It's me who's has write the plugin.

The mesuerements are :


system measuerement have basic infos, same than in rrd graphs (global cpu, ram, disk, ...).
the others mesurements are advanced stats for memory, disk, cpu

main fields to filter are :

host : hostname (vmname, containername,storagename...)
object : qemu|lxc|storage|host
nodename : node where is located the ressource
vmid: ...

Then you have multiple values for each mesurements
Do you have any documentation on what exactly the numbers mean, and which units are used. E.g, for cpu I get a value like: 0.00149740172862036 , but I have no idea what that refers to, and whether it has anything to do with the total amount of cpus a container has for example.
