Importdisk with resize or bring libguestfs-tools to life


Jun 12, 2019


Painless creating VM from cloud image with resizing of root partition

Expected implementation​

* it is expected that qm importdisk has option to resize partitions of disk images while importing
like this: qm importdisk --resize partition=/dev/sdaN,size=[+]<size>

# Setting variables
export VMID=2000
export STORAGE=local-lvm
export DISK=/dev/pve/vm-$VMID-disk-1
export IMGURL=
export IMG=`basename $IMGURL`

# Getting disk image
wget $IMGURL
# Creating VM
qm create $VMID --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --bios ovmf --efidisk0 $STORAGE:1

# Importing disk image with resizing root partition
qm importdisk $VMID --resize partition=/dev/sda1,size=10G $IMG $STORAGE
                    !!! It is a Feature request and not implemented yet !!!

# Attach imported disk
qm set $VMID --virtio0 $STORAGE:vm-$VMID-disk-1

## Set boot order
qm set $VMID --boot order=virtio0

Real life​

# Setting variables
# Getting disk image
# Creating VM
qm create $VMID --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --bios ovmf --efidisk0 $STORAGE:1

# Importing disk image
qm importdisk $VMID $IMG $STORAGE

# Attach imported disk
qm set $VMID --virtio0 $STORAGE:vm-$VMID-disk-1

## Set boot order
qm set $VMID --boot order=virtio0

# Resize disk
qm resize $VMID virtio0 10G

# Get GPT information and define root partition number
fdisk -l $DISK
  Device                      Start     End Sectors  Size Type
  /dev/pve/vm-2000-disk-1p1  227328 4612062 4384735  2,1G Linux filesystem    <----- Root partition has number 1
  /dev/pve/vm-2000-disk-1p14   2048   10239    8192    4M BIOS boot
  /dev/pve/vm-2000-disk-1p15  10240  227327  217088  106M EFI System

# Fixing GPT after resizing
sgdisk -e $DISK

# Deleting root partition
sgdisk -d 1 $DISK

# Recreating root partition
sgdisk -N 1 $DISK

# Create mapping of our disk to make it's partitions available
kpartx -a $DISK

# Checking filesystem before resizing
e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/pve-vm--$VMID--disk--1p1

# Resizing filesystem
resize2fs /dev/mapper/pve-vm--$VMID--disk--1p1

Alternative way with libguestfs-tools​

The idea is to resize the root partition in image before importing
# Get the root partition number from image
virt-filesystems --long -h -a $IMG          
  Name        Type        VFS   Label            Size  Parent
  /dev/sda1   filesystem  ext4  cloudimg-rootfs  2,1G  -      <----- It is here (/dev/sda1)
  /dev/sda15  filesystem  vfat  UEFI             106M  -

# Allocate space for new image
truncate -s 10G new.img

# Resizing
virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 $IMG new.img

# Checking up result:
virt-filesystems --long -h -a new.img       
  Name       Type        VFS   Label            Size  Parent
  /dev/sda2  filesystem  vfat  UEFI             106M  -
  /dev/sda3  filesystem  ext4  cloudimg-rootfs  9,9G  -      <----- Looks good, but partition numbering
                                                                    has changed, so BIOS boot won't work
                                                                    until `update-grub && grub-install /dev/sda`,
                                                                    but EFI boot works perfect

# Creating VM
qm create $VMID --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --bios ovmf --efidisk0 $STORAGE:1

# Importing disk image
qm importdisk $VMID new.img $STORAGE

# Attach imported disk
qm set $VMID --virtio0 $STORAGE:vm-$VMID-disk-1

## Set boot order
qm set $VMID --boot order=virtio0

But one more problem: libguestfs-tools doesn't work in pve:
libguestfs: trace: set_verbose true
libguestfs: trace: set_verbose = 0
libguestfs: create: flags = 0, handle = 0x5619f08c58e0, program = virt-filesystems
libguestfs: trace: add_drive "jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" "readonly:true"
libguestfs: creating COW overlay to protect original drive content
libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir
libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir = "/tmp"
libguestfs: trace: disk_create "/tmp/libguestfsPC4LC3/overlay1.qcow2" "qcow2" -1 "backingfile:/tmp/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
libguestfs: command: run: qemu-img
libguestfs: command: run: \ create
libguestfs: command: run: \ -f qcow2
libguestfs: command: run: \ -o backing_file=/tmp/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
libguestfs: command: run: \ /tmp/libguestfsPC4LC3/overlay1.qcow2
qemu-img: /tmp/libguestfsPC4LC3/overlay1.qcow2: Backing file specified without backing format
Detected format of qcow2.libguestfs: error: qemu-img: /tmp/libguestfsPC4LC3/overlay1.qcow2: qemu-img exited with error status 1, see debug messages above
libguestfs: trace: disk_create = -1 (error)
libguestfs: trace: add_drive = -1 (error)
libguestfs: trace: close
libguestfs: closing guestfs handle 0x5619f08c58e0 (state 0)
libguestfs: command: run: rm
libguestfs: command: run: \ -rf /tmp/libguestfsPC4LC3


For happy life we need qm importdisk --resize feature or whether libguestfs-tools working
Feature requests should be filed in , this is more of a support forum.

On topic - since you are using a cloud-init capable image wouldn't it be easier to see if you can utilize processes that already exist and are not PVE specific?

The "ideal" process you have described seems to be extremely configuration/OS/storage/layout dependent.

Further, I've successfully installed and used libguestfs tools on PVE host for a small surgery I needed to perform on an image. The error you listed is not fatal, first google search result:

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