Hyper-V Enlightenments

It's enabled by default when you choose windows os for your guests.

Hi Spirit, it is a pleasure to greet you again.

Much time ago, you said me how i can add features of Hyper-V in the code of PVE.

My question is in PVE 4.2, Do I need to add something else?, and are all features of Hyper-V included in the current code?

Best regards
Not all hyper-v features are enabled, some new hyper-v features has been introduce in qemu 2.5/2.6 and not yet enabled.

I have send a patch recently to enable :
hv_reset, hv_vpindex, hv_runtime


also, they are hv_synic,hv_stimer witch need kernel 4.5 (not yet available in kernel 4.4)
Not all hyper-v features are enabled, some new hyper-v features has been introduce in qemu 2.5/2.6 and not yet enabled.

I have send a patch recently to enable :
hv_reset, hv_vpindex, hv_runtime


also, they are hv_synic,hv_stimer witch need kernel 4.5 (not yet available in kernel 4.4)

Many thanks for the answer, i wait that with the 4.5 Kernel, PVE has all these features enabled.

Best regards