I have a FW and then my PMG server.
My PMG version is:
My config is as follows:
I am getting from my firewall "Incomplete" connections to my PMG but in my PMG i am not seeing anything on logs mail.info, mail.log, mail.warn or mail.err, about denied connections.
I was checking :
In my logs i am seeing following info:
From the Client he got:
The client got time out until it responds at 14:10:00 and i got the greeting. I see the incomplete connections throught firewall but on PMG i have check on the logs and got nothing at that moment.
I see in my FW a incomplete log at 14:00 and then after retrying i am seeing the log for the postcreen.
¿Where can i look for those drop connections?
If adjusting pmg.mail.conn_count_limit may fix and solve it, where and how can I see this drops for tunning this problem? I have tried adjusting thar parameter and nothing changed.
My PMG version is:
pmg-api/6.4-3/225ecb80 (running kernel: 5.4.106-1-pve)
My config is as follows:
composed.wl_bounce_relays = host.xx.yy.zz
dns.domain = xx.yy.zz
dns.fqdn = host.xx.yy.zz
dns.hostname = host
ipconfig.int_ip = A.B.C.D
pmg.admin.advfilter = 0
pmg.admin.avast = 0
pmg.admin.clamav = 1
pmg.admin.custom_check = 0
pmg.admin.custom_check_path = /usr/local/bin/pmg-custom-check
pmg.admin.dailyreport = 1
pmg.admin.demo = 0
pmg.admin.dkim_selector =
pmg.admin.dkim_sign = 0
pmg.admin.dkim_sign_all_mail = 0
pmg.admin.email = noc@xx.yy.zz
pmg.admin.http_proxy =
pmg.admin.statlifetime = 365
pmg.clamav.archiveblockencrypted = 0
pmg.clamav.archivemaxfiles = 1000
pmg.clamav.archivemaxrec = 5
pmg.clamav.archivemaxsize = 25000000
pmg.clamav.dbmirror = database.clamav.net
pmg.clamav.maxcccount = 0
pmg.clamav.maxscansize = 100000000
pmg.clamav.safebrowsing = 1
pmg.clamav.scriptedupdates = 0
pmg.mail.banner = MY PMG BANNER
pmg.mail.before_queue_filtering = 0
pmg.mail.conn_count_limit = 50
pmg.mail.conn_rate_limit = 0
pmg.mail.dnsbl_sites =
pmg.mail.dnsbl_threshold = 1
pmg.mail.dwarning = 4
pmg.mail.ext_port = 25
pmg.mail.greylist = 1
pmg.mail.greylist6 = 0
pmg.mail.greylistmask4 = 24
pmg.mail.greylistmask6 = 64
pmg.mail.helotests = 1
pmg.mail.hide_received = 1
pmg.mail.int_port = 26
pmg.mail.max_filters = 38
pmg.mail.max_policy = 5
pmg.mail.max_smtpd_in = 100
pmg.mail.max_smtpd_out = 100
pmg.mail.maxsize = 52428800
pmg.mail.message_rate_limit = 0
pmg.mail.ndr_on_block = 0
pmg.mail.rejectunknown = 1
pmg.mail.rejectunknownsender = 1
pmg.mail.relay = E.F.G.H
pmg.mail.relaynomx = 0
pmg.mail.relayport = 25
pmg.mail.relayprotocol = smtp
pmg.mail.smarthost =
pmg.mail.smarthostport = 25
pmg.mail.spf = 1
pmg.mail.tls = 1
pmg.mail.tlsheader = 1
pmg.mail.tlslog = 1
pmg.mail.verifyreceivers =
pmg.spam.bounce_score = 0
pmg.spam.clamav_heuristic_score = 3
pmg.spam.languages = all
pmg.spam.maxspamsize = 262144
pmg.spam.rbl_checks = 1
pmg.spam.use_awl = 1
pmg.spam.use_bayes = 1
pmg.spam.use_razor = 1
pmg.spam.wl_bounce_relays =
pmg.spamquar.allowhrefs = 1
pmg.spamquar.authmode = ticket
pmg.spamquar.hostname =
pmg.spamquar.lifetime = 30
pmg.spamquar.mailfrom = postmaster@xx.yy.zz
pmg.spamquar.port = 8006
pmg.spamquar.protocol = https
pmg.spamquar.quarantinelink = 0
pmg.spamquar.reportstyle = none
pmg.spamquar.viewimages = 1
pmg.virusquar.allowhrefs = 1
pmg.virusquar.lifetime = 30
pmg.virusquar.viewimages = 1
postfix.dnsbl_threshold = 1
postfix.int_ip = A.B.C.D
postfix.mynetworks = [::1]/128 A.B.C.0/30
postfix.transportnets =
postfix.usepolicy = 1
postgres.version = 11
I am getting from my firewall "Incomplete" connections to my PMG but in my PMG i am not seeing anything on logs mail.info, mail.log, mail.warn or mail.err, about denied connections.
I was checking :
enp3s0 17:04
^ r
| r r rt
| rt rt rt
| rt rt rt
| r r rt rt rt rt
| r r r rt rt rt rt rt rt
| r r r rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt
| r r r rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt
| r r r r rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt
| rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt
| 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
h rx (MiB) tx (MiB) ][ h rx (MiB) tx (MiB) ][ h rx (MiB) tx (MiB)
18 62.2 60.9 ][ 02 19.0 14.2 ][ 10 386.0 377.8
19 37.1 31.3 ][ 03 24.6 16.8 ][ 11 423.6 380.8
20 71.1 68.3 ][ 04 25.9 21.6 ][ 12 232.2 223.7
21 88.4 72.8 ][ 05 160.0 51.2 ][ 13 203.9 194.5
22 33.6 17.5 ][ 06 280.8 67.6 ][ 14 406.3 397.2
23 29.5 18.2 ][ 07 188.9 61.1 ][ 15 224.3 219.6
00 15.6 22.5 ][ 08 276.3 151.7 ][ 16 279.8 278.0
01 16.4 14.9 ][ 09 243.1 208.9 ][ 17 45.2 45.2
In my logs i am seeing following info:
Jun 3 11:43:22 host postfix/postscreen[12753]: CONNECT from [I.J.K.L]:25977 to [A.B.C.D]:25
Jun 3 11:43:22 host postfix/postscreen[12753]: PASS OLD [I.J.K.L]:25977
Jun 3 14:10:00 host postfix/postscreen[12753]: CONNECT from [I.J.K.L]:25919 to [A.B.C.D]:25
Jun 3 14:10:00 host postfix/postscreen[12753]: PASS OLD [I.J.K.L]:25919
From the Client he got:
Jun 3 14:08:00 host.xx.yy.zz [A.B.C.D]:25 Connection timed out
Jun 3 14:08:10 host.xx.yy.zz [A.B.C.D]:25 Connection timed out
Jun 3 14:08:15 host.xx.yy.zz [A.B.C.D]:25 Connection timed out
Jun 3 14:08:20 host.xx.yy.zz [A.B.C.D]:25 Connection timed out
Jun 3 14:08:25 host.xx.yy.zz [A.B.C.D]:25 Connection timed out
The client got time out until it responds at 14:10:00 and i got the greeting. I see the incomplete connections throught firewall but on PMG i have check on the logs and got nothing at that moment.
I see in my FW a incomplete log at 14:00 and then after retrying i am seeing the log for the postcreen.
¿Where can i look for those drop connections?
If adjusting pmg.mail.conn_count_limit may fix and solve it, where and how can I see this drops for tunning this problem? I have tried adjusting thar parameter and nothing changed.
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