[SOLVED] How to forward internet access between LAN ports to connected independent Proxmox node?


New Member
Apr 12, 2024
I am running a single node Proxmox machine (call it One) that is connected to the internet via a router at (gateway).
Here's the /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

iface eno1 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports eno1
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

iface enp69s0 inet manual

iface wlo2 inet manual

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

As you can see this is very boring regular stuff. What I wish to achieve now is this:

I wish to connect another machine (Two) to One (I can't connect Two to the router directly). Two will also run Proxmox and can be in the same network (192.168.178.xxx) or not, depending on what is better. Two does not have access to other networks.
Those two nodes will NOT form a cluster. Two will in fact only be used occasionally while One is always running. They are independent Proxmox nodes.

I wish to connect Two to One using One's eno69s0 LAN port since the board has 2 LAN ports. I don't have much experience configuring networks. I would assume I'd have to kind of forward data from eno1 to enp69s0. Since Two is a regular Proxmox node, its VMs and LXCs should also be able to obtain their own IP addresses.

How can I achieve that?

(I know I could just buy a switch, but for my high data rates this would too expensive for now)
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remember answers are replied on free time users.
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afaik, you can simply add your second LAN port to vmbr0 to turn your LAN ports into a physical switch.


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