I had setup a virtualized network by VirtualBox on a desktop PC. One of the servers in the virtualized network was a OpenBSD server which act as a network tap that to connect to a physical switch. The physical switch then connected to a physical wifi router and one wired physical desktop PC.
All wireless and wired PCs could surf the internet via the VirtualBox desktop PC.
I had tried to install OpenBSD on Proxmox but it could boot up properly. Therefore, I could not make a virtualized network tap by OpenBSD.
I have 3 network interfaces (eth0, eth1, & eth2) and also have 2 real IPs. The eth0 is for Proxmox which is connected to a wired router. The wired router is equipped with firewall (one real IP is used). eth1 is for the virtualized network to connect to internet by a virtualized router (another real IP is used).
The virtualized servers inside Proxmox are connected to a virtualized switch.
I want to use eth2 to connect to a physical switch in order to connect other physical PCs.
I would like to do the captioned network by mean of Proxmox. How can I make a network tap with Proxmox? Can I bridge Proxmox virtualized network interface (virtualized switch) with a physical network interface (eth2)? If yes, how to do that?
The structure would be :
internet --> Proxmox virtual network (consists of some virtualized servers) --> Proxmox virtual switch --> physical switch --> physical desktop PCs
Any idea? Thank you.