How to add an node in a cluster?


New Member
May 26, 2015
I purchased the book Mastering Proxmox and tried to follow the explanation.

I wanted to create 2 notes in a cluster.

I created 1 cluster.

Follwoing the information in the link:

To add a node, I entered the command :

pvecm add

and received the error message :

authentication key already exists

How can I add a second node to my cluster?

are you issuing that command from the joining (EMPTY, no VMs) node?
ie: is NOT the address of that node but the address of the first node where you created the cluster, right?

Thanks for the help.

Actually,I purchased a dedicated server: 151.80.

I don’t have any VM ‘s yet. was just a randon local ip address I selected to create the second node.

There is the result of the command pvecm status if that can help:

root@dublin:~# pvecm status
Version: 6.2.0
Config Version: 1
Cluster Name: clusterParis
Cluster Id: 37269
Cluster Member: Yes
Cluster Generation: 4
Membership state: Cluster-Member
Nodes: 1
Expected votes: 1
Total votes: 1
Node votes: 1
Quorum: 1
Active subsystems: 5
Ports Bound: 0
Node name: dublin
Node ID: 1
Multicast addresses: 239.192.XXX.XXX
Node addresses: 151.80.XXX.XXX

Last edited:
And there is the result for:

cat /etc/hosts:

root@dublin:~# cat /etc/hosts

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost dublin
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
#(added automatically by netbase upgrade)
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
feo0::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

I never works with linux distributions before.

This is for tests purposes.

What would be then the best practice to create 2 nodes on the same cluster?

I only have 1 ipv4 nad 1 ipv6 on my dedicated server

I can erase and reinstall proxmox if required.

how many servers do you have?
you need at least 2 servers to have a cluster...

1 is in hosting? and has 1 ipv4 nad 1 ipv6 address

the other?

What exactly are you going to cluster if you only have one server?

This isn't a Linux thing, it's a server thing. You can't cluster any OS with a single server....the entire meaning behind cluster is to utilize more than one computer to perform a task....


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