Hi there,
I have been allocated 5 x IP's from my server provider for my proxmox server xxx.xxx.xxx.90 - xxx.xxx.xxx.94.
xxx.xxx.xxx.90 is the main server IP address. I would like to know how to configure the Network side to add the other IP's in so that proxmox gives an IP address to each VM.
Setup Proxmox v1.4, installing PBX In a flash ISO thru KVM.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
I have been allocated 5 x IP's from my server provider for my proxmox server xxx.xxx.xxx.90 - xxx.xxx.xxx.94.
xxx.xxx.xxx.90 is the main server IP address. I would like to know how to configure the Network side to add the other IP's in so that proxmox gives an IP address to each VM.
Setup Proxmox v1.4, installing PBX In a flash ISO thru KVM.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.