I tried logging in to https://pve.proxmox.com/ with my forums account, no luck. Then I followed a link to MediaWiki and created an account there, but it's not the same thing. I guess it's not really a "wiki" in the original spirit of the word then?
I gotta admit, parts of it are in really bad shape. Things that should be very simple and clear are talked around, or not mentioned in a glaring omission, and I've found the answer on a mirror of a mailing list or an obscure forum. For the first time I decided I was going to be the change I wanted to see, to make the world a better place than how I found it, so I reached for the edit button but it's not there.
Why not open it up to the community? I could be helping newbies, and more experienced users could be helping me. Instead, answers get buried in these forums and Stackoverflow and sometimes get outdated by the time google pagerank pushes them to the top. Allowing the wiki to be editable would solve this, and we'd all spend less time writing questions in the forums!
I gotta admit, parts of it are in really bad shape. Things that should be very simple and clear are talked around, or not mentioned in a glaring omission, and I've found the answer on a mirror of a mailing list or an obscure forum. For the first time I decided I was going to be the change I wanted to see, to make the world a better place than how I found it, so I reached for the edit button but it's not there.
Why not open it up to the community? I could be helping newbies, and more experienced users could be helping me. Instead, answers get buried in these forums and Stackoverflow and sometimes get outdated by the time google pagerank pushes them to the top. Allowing the wiki to be editable would solve this, and we'd all spend less time writing questions in the forums!