Hosting a static webpage on PVE?


New Member
Feb 24, 2025
I can't remember all services’ IPs and ports! So, I thought of listing them in a simple static HTML webpage and hosting it on the PVE server itself, on the default HTTP/HTTPS ports. How can I open 80 and 443 ports and where to find the web server's root directly in the PVE filesystem?

Thank you!
How can I open 80 and 443 ports and where to find the web server's root directly in the PVE filesystem?
The pure fact that you ask this makes me answer: do not do that. It is bad style...

Use a container for things like this! (Or a full blown VM - that's what I do...)

To answer your question nevertheless: install a webserver like this:
~# apt show mini-httpd

Package: mini-httpd
Description: Small HTTP server
 mini-httpd implements all basic features of a HTTPD, including: GET, HEAD, POST
 methods, common MIME types, basic authentication, virtual hosting, CGI,
 directory listing, trailing-slash redirection, standard logging, custom error
 pages etc. It also can be configured to do SSL and IPv6.

That's all it needs. But nobody here (and probably also no staff member) will guarantee that something like this can be done without conflicting with the PVE software...