I have a physical server running Proxmox, and I created three Windows VMs, each allocated 12GB of RAM. The average RAM usage within the VMs is around 2-3GB. However, the RAM usage on the Proxmox host server shows approximately 12+12+12 = 36GB. Despite this, there is almost no RAM usage within the VMs themselves. How can I resolve this issue? The Virtio drivers are installed within the Windows VMs.
1. VM -> https://prnt.sc/IPp3atO8A_I4
2. VM -> https://prnt.sc/Z8RILhKpXRUF
3. VM -> https://prnt.sc/I9Kp7WF72Pno
Host Usage -> https://prnt.sc/DknHoHT0VtXB
1. VM -> https://prnt.sc/IPp3atO8A_I4
2. VM -> https://prnt.sc/Z8RILhKpXRUF
3. VM -> https://prnt.sc/I9Kp7WF72Pno
Host Usage -> https://prnt.sc/DknHoHT0VtXB