High Load / Performance / Solution


Mar 10, 2010
Stuttgart / Germany
Hi guys,

tonight I "accidentally" found a solution for possible high load, clock skew, and/or perfomance problems for all my Proxmox Systems (mostly Dell).

Add "clocksource=hpet" to your kernel(s) in your /boot/grub/menu.lst

I thinks this helps all hpet-supported Systems.

Perhaps this could be default in the nexts versions.

Good night.
I am search for a documentation, too. Here ist one in german http://tinyurl.com/2wdokly. I´m in virtualisation since 5 years and I always had problems with the tsc (e.g. vmware server 2.0). Yesterday I installed the Maverick RC and wondered why the maverick-kernel has this option (clocksource=hpet) set as default. So I tried this on my proxmox hosts and my whole system with 10-20 kvms feels much more snappier and the timing problem on one centos-vm(older kernel) is gone. I think the main benefit is the timing is offloaded from the cpu to the hpet chipset. But this may depend on the underlying hardware.