Help! Proxmox will not boot!


New Member
Jun 15, 2024
Hey, after i rebootet my proxmox server, it didn't start anymore, it read:

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-15 at 17.30.51.jpeg

Found volume group "pve" using metadata type lvm2
5 logical volume(s) in volume group "pve" now active
/dev/mapper/pve-root: recovering journal
/dev/mapper/pve-root: clean, 69080/6291456 files, 5799043/25165824 blocks

I read on another post that helps for troubleshooting to remove the "quiet" in the boot parameters, so i dit that and it stops at:

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-15 at 17.30.52.jpeg

[ OK ] Finished modprobe@dn_nod.service- Load Kernel Module dm_mod.
[ 2.7174081 systemd[1]: modprobe@drm.service: Deactivated successfully.
[ 2.7178271 systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@drm.service- Load Kernel Module drm.
[ ok ] Finished modprobe@drn.service- Load Kernel Module drm.
[ 2.7187701 systemd[1]: modprobe@efi_pstore.service: Deactivated successfully.
[ 2.7191591 systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@efi_pstore.service- Load Kernel Module efi_pstore.
[ OK ] Finished modprobe@efi_pstore.service- Load Kernel Module efi_pstore.
[ 2.7199791 systemd[1]: modprobe@fuse.service: Deactivated successfully.
[ 2.7203471 systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@fuse.service- Load Kernel Module fuse.
[ OK ] Finished modprobe@fuse.service- Load Kernel Module fuse.
[ 2.7212841 EXT4-fs (dm-1): re-mounted 130fc472-b6ad-4132-9f16-a77c43436235 r/w. Quota mode: none.
[ 2.7214161 systemd[1]: modprobe@loop.service: Deactivated successfully.
[ 2.7220661 systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@loop.service- Load Kernel Module loop.
[ OK ] Finished modprobe@loop.service-Load Kernel Module loop.
[ 2.7233251 systemd[1]: Finished systemd-remount-fs.service - Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
[ ок ] Finished systemd-remount-fs.service- Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.

Does anyone have an idea how i could fix it, help would be really appreciated.

i'm relatively new to all this homelab stuff and don't know my way around too well yet, so if anyone can help me, please explain it in an easy to understand way.
Have you tried to log into the web-server via the IP: 8006?
OMG! I couldn't connect to the web-server yesterday, but now it works, I just backed up all VMs. But still... this is not normal behavior... any idea to fix this. Thanks for the response.
You will need to access the shell when you have web access to access the journal...I think it's :ctl journal -b
Scroll down until you find what's it complaining about.


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