HD Space (root) showing 75% utilized because of mounted storage


May 31, 2017
I apologize if this was covered but I tried searching for it but my search word-fu isn't the greatest maybe...

I have a m.2 hard drive connected on a USB3.0 port used for storing ISO, etc.

Its mounted as /mnt/iso and then shared via nfs

I noticed that 75% of my root was being displayed as in use. This is because of the /mnt/iso

I know its not ideal to run USB storage thats mounted but I just wanted to use something to store isos.

My concern is will I run into an issue when the console thinks its at 100% utilization but its really not?
rookie mistake. I mounted the usb but it wasnt persistent. I rebooted and then mounted the local path instead of the mounted path. It filled up my entire root.