Has anyone a working openSUSE 13.2 container


Renowned Member
May 18, 2014
Hi guys

Usually I work with Debian containers but last week I had to set up an openSUSE container in Proxmox. Since I didn't find a template for LXC right away I just took the OpenVZ template from openvz.org. The container starts up and I can connect to it via the pct enter command. However I found two issues that are quite annoying so I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this and has some suggestions.

1.) It seems that the network interface doesn't get started properly and also the routing somehow seems to be messed up in regards to the gateway. At [0] one can find the steps that I did to get it running. However as soon as I restart the container the settings are messed up again. This makes me wonder if there is something that I'm missing. One more thing that I've noticed is that when checking /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth1 I saw STARTMODE=onboot however when checking "man ifcfg" I cannot find onboot as a valid STARTMODE parameter. Is it possible to tell Proxmox to use STARTMODE=auto instead or to prevent it from overwriting the network config files at all? I tried the suggestion mentioned at [1] (/etc/sysconfig/network/.pve-ignore.interfaces) but this doesn't seem to work for openSUSE - maybe it's limited to Debian & derivates and/or a fixed /etc/network path?

2.) When I'm inside an openSUSE container and execute the reboot command I get back to the host bash. However at this moment I can no longer see what I type (I'm using PuTTY).However once I hit return the commands still get executed it's just that it's not visible to me anymore. This problem only seems to appear when rebooting from inside the openSUSE container. When I just exit the container and execute pct stop & pct start this doesn't happen. Also when executing reboot from within a Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS container I've never experienced such behavior either. Is this something that is wrong on the Suse side or the template or something with Proxmox?

If anybody has already come across and solved those issues or has some suggestion on how to proceed from here please feel free to join the conversation. Any help is much appreciated.


[0] http://pastebin.com/raw/WXpKes8u
[1] https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/network-gateway-parameters-overwritten.27352/#post-137795