Hardcode Processor speed for KVM? Windows detects change in CPU.


Feb 19, 2015
Hi - is there a way to hard code the processor speed for a KVM?

Reason - I have two hosts. One has an AMD 3.10Ghz processor and the other Intel 2.59Ghz processor.

When I move an windows KVM between these two nodes (backup/restore), Windows KVM guest recognizes the change in speed (Common KVM processor 2.59Ghz < to > Common KVM processor 3.10Ghz).
And windows will ask me to activate windows all over again.

I want to prevent windows detecting the change in speed for 'processor'. Is it possible?

One big warning: you can get serious problems if you use different brands of cpus concerning the cpu features and migrate between them. Best problem is a simple crash, worst problem is silent data corruption.

But to your problem:
I do not think that QEMU is capable of reducing or increasing the CPU speed but I'm not sure on this. Changing the speed online can result in timing problems if it works correct at all. Obviously windows has included some detection (nice to know!) for that.

Best advice is still: don't mix at all (if you want to migrate between them)