HA Groups Priorities


Renowned Member
Nov 18, 2010
Hi there,

In Datacenter => HA => Groups its possible to define priorities.

is 1 the highest priority or the higher the better?

Node 1: Prio 1
Node 2: Prio 10

Which one has now the higher priority?
Great thanks alot!

Is Proxmox deciding on memory usagE?


Node1: 256 GB Memory free | Prio 10
Node2: 100 GB Memory free | Prio 100
Node3: 50 GB Memory free | Prio 1000

Where will the new VM with 20 GB Memory being created?
Where will the new VM with 20 GB Memory being created?

Depends on what services are how spread onto the cluster, it spreads based on started service counts.
There's no dynamic resource scheduling implemented, yet.