How are you. Here is my first support request and we are happy customers since 2021 (three years now) and upgraded from VE6 to VE7 and just two weeks ago to VE-8.1.3. However, when trying to enhance the new Windows 11 machines that we started this year with the WSLv2 of Ubuntu on the guest system, we are getting the BSOD upon reboot.
Seems that this kernel enhancement that is required by Microsoft:
Triggers the unstability of the Q35 machine that is changed to CPU-Type of "host" to enable Virtualization pass-through.
Could you please tell me where the documentation of the ability or inability to run WSLv2 in a Windows11 guest is written please?
Thank you. /Jörg Weiss
PS: Please know that when using WSLv1 everything is great. Thx.
How are you. Here is my first support request and we are happy customers since 2021 (three years now) and upgraded from VE6 to VE7 and just two weeks ago to VE-8.1.3. However, when trying to enhance the new Windows 11 machines that we started this year with the WSLv2 of Ubuntu on the guest system, we are getting the BSOD upon reboot.
Seems that this kernel enhancement that is required by Microsoft:
Triggers the unstability of the Q35 machine that is changed to CPU-Type of "host" to enable Virtualization pass-through.
Could you please tell me where the documentation of the ability or inability to run WSLv2 in a Windows11 guest is written please?
Thank you. /Jörg Weiss
PS: Please know that when using WSLv1 everything is great. Thx.