I run PBS sync to an offsite since a couple of weeks back. Everything runs well, but I'm a bit confused about which jobs are actually needed on the offsite?
The main PBS (on site) runs GC and Verify jobs, and I've setup so that the offsite PBS does the same, but is this really needed? I mean the main PBS has already verified and GC:ed everything once synced, right? I'm asking because I see this on the offsite, and it's always the same - 0 bytes to reclaim:

The main PBS (on site) runs GC and Verify jobs, and I've setup so that the offsite PBS does the same, but is this really needed? I mean the main PBS has already verified and GC:ed everything once synced, right? I'm asking because I see this on the offsite, and it's always the same - 0 bytes to reclaim: