So I want to back up a few important files from a VM to my PBS using the proxmox-backup-client (rather than back up the entire VM which is done separately)
I have
1. installed proxmox-backup-client on the VM
2. created the backup repository on the PBS
3. using this command string
I get this error:
Please can someone kindly point out what I am doing wrong?
I have
1. installed proxmox-backup-client on the VM
2. created the backup repository on the PBS
3. using this command string
proxmox-backup-client backup test_data:/media/test --repository
I get this error:
Error: parameter verification errors
parameter 'backupspec': missing argument
Usage: proxmox-backup-client backup {<backupspec>} [OPTIONS]
<backupspec> <string>
List of backup source specifications ([<label.ext>:<path>] ...) Can
be specified more than once.
Optional parameters:
--all-file-systems <boolean> (default=false)
Include all mounted subdirectories.
--backup-id <string>
Backup ID.
--backup-time <integer> (1 - N)
Backup time (Unix epoch.)
--backup-type vm|ct|host
Backup type.
--burst <integer> (1000 - N)
Size of the token bucket (for Token bucket filter) in bytes.
--chunk-size <integer> (64 - 4096) (default=4096)
Chunk size in KB. Must be a power of 2.
--crypt-mode none|encrypt|sign-only (default=encrypt)
Defines whether data is encrypted (using an AEAD cipher), only
signed, or neither.
--dry-run <boolean> (default=false)
Just show what backup would do, but do not upload anything.
--entries-max <integer> (default=1048576)
Max number of entries to hold in memory.
--exclude <string>
List of paths or patterns for matching files to exclude. Can be
specified more than once.
--include-dev <string>
Include mountpoints with same st_dev number (see ``man fstat``) as
specified files. Can be specified more than once.
--keyfd <integer> (0 - N)
Pass an encryption key via an already opened file descriptor.
--keyfile <string>
Path to encryption key. All data will be encrypted using this key.
--master-pubkey-fd <integer> (0 - N)
Pass a master public key via an already opened file descriptor.
--master-pubkey-file <string>
Path to master public key. The encryption key used for a backup
will be encrypted using this key and appended to the backup.
--ns <string>
--rate <integer> (100000 - N)
Rate limit (for Token bucket filter) in bytes/second.
--repository <string>
Repository URL.
--skip-lost-and-found <boolean> (default=false)
Skip lost+found directory.
Please can someone kindly point out what I am doing wrong?