fencing via fence_node using ipmi not working


New Member
Jun 14, 2014
Hi there,

fence_node using fence_ipmilan is not working, alway returns status failed.
This is the latest pve-version, there was something mentioned in the changelog, but nothing to specific
pve-manager/3.3-1/a06c9f73 (running kernel: 2.6.32-32-pve)

fence_tool ls
fence domain
member count 2
victim count 0
victim now 0
master nodeid 1
wait state none
members 1 2

ipmitool is working
ipmitool -I lanplus -H '' -U 'papagena' -P ' ' -v chassis power status Chassis
Power is on

fence_ipmilan is working as expected, using a script for the password
fence_ipmilan -a -l papagena -S /usr/local/bin/FOSubnetPW.php --action=status
Status: ON
Although the password script is written in php, it is in fact a CLI, it could have been named "FOSubnetPW.sh" as well

fence_node -S paymox-02 -vv
status paymox-02 dev 0.0 agent fence_ipmilan result: status error
agent args: nodename=paymox-02 action=status agent=fence_ipmilan lanplus=1 ipaddr= login=papagena passwd_script=/usr/local/bin/FOSubnetPW.php power_wait=10
status paymox-02 failed -1
or if we try to reboot the node:
fence_node paymox-02 -vv
fence paymox-02 dev 0.0 agent fence_ipmilan result: error from agent agent args: nodename=paymox-02 agent=fence_ipmilan lanplus=1 ipaddr=
login=papagena passwd_script=/usr/local/bin/FOSubnetPW.php power_wait=10 fence paymox-02 failed

Actually, I tried without my fancy password scirpt, did not work either. Any ideas, howto get fencing up and running?
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