Feature request - storage usage report


New Member
Nov 1, 2024
When I look at summary and I see total space occupied it would be nice to know what is taking that space. I know that's not an easy task when dedup is reusing some blocks between many backups/vms, but I'm sure there is space for improvements.
Things that I find helpful/informational but are missing:
1. How much space does each VM/CT take. Actual space, not how big the disks are - compressed, excluding sparse. For simplicity deduplication could be ignored here and report the size in each vm/backup as there were no deduplication. like volume 40GB, on disk: 18GB. Yes, you will see 10 backups by 18 gb when they actually take less space, but still helpful.
2. For truly informational space usage a report could be created on demand. The report will only report blocks when they are first seen and never report them in another VM/CT/volume, sorted by date. it would look like
name size on disk
vm/112/2025-01-25T02:40:20Z - 40GB 18GB
vm/112/2025-01-26T02:25:50Z - 40GB 800MB (since most of the blocks are reported in previous backup
vm/113/2025-01-19T02:56:37Z - 60GB 5GB (different machine, but similar to 112, have many common blocks)
3. Since prune most likely goes through every single block it is possible to create that report during prune and keep the last report available. The log does say much about the individual machines.

This information might be helpful on how to change your backup schedule and which VMs/CTs to include in which jobs.