I was wondering if fail2ban was now a viable option for cts with the introduction of pvefirewall. A number of earlier posts indicated there were isssues. i had used fail2ban with an older deb 5 box and openvz.
i know that the ipset was disable or is not available within the openvz frameword due to a security issues. Since there is the need to to have a very rapid dynamic filtering and blocking with low overhead, what does one do.
Are there better options like bfm?
Would fail2ban be a good additon for the HN security?
Thanks in advance.
I was wondering if fail2ban was now a viable option for cts with the introduction of pvefirewall. A number of earlier posts indicated there were isssues. i had used fail2ban with an older deb 5 box and openvz.
i know that the ipset was disable or is not available within the openvz frameword due to a security issues. Since there is the need to to have a very rapid dynamic filtering and blocking with low overhead, what does one do.
Are there better options like bfm?
Would fail2ban be a good additon for the HN security?
Thanks in advance.