What can you see if you sort your processes by memory usage, something likeps aux --sort -rss
? The kvm processes in your host need a little more memory than your guest has available (overhead).
If you look at the output of2,When I turned on 2 KVMS, I only configured 18G memory, but actually used 24G+. Is that normal?
and calculate a bitIf you look at the output ofps
and calculate a bit
(0.156+0.14)*64=18.9 or
9251336/1024/1024 + 10275024/1024/1024 = 18.6
you see that the two KVM processes use about 19 GB of your memory.
Where did you take the 1.24G from?
1. Sort of. You can, for example, see the usage of the service daemons in the previous output as well.
2. Depends. Suspend can also be to disk.