New to PVE and am trying to migrate a couple of ESXi v6.7.0 & v7.0 update 2 VMs to PVE. Getting this error on the import. Have tried all from the 6.7.0 host and one from the 7.0 host. All fail with "received interrupt."
create full clone of drive (esxidmz:ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk)
Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" created.
transferred 0.0 B of 50.0 GiB (0.00%)
Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" successfully removed.
TASK ERROR: unable to create VM 100 - cannot import from 'esxidmz:ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk' - copy failed: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -p -n -f vmdk -O raw /run/pve/import/esxi/esxidmz/mnt/ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk zeroinit:/dev/pve/vm-100-disk-0' failed: received interrupt
Have searched the forums but haven't found a fix. Anyone come across this issue?
create full clone of drive (esxidmz:ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk)
Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" created.
transferred 0.0 B of 50.0 GiB (0.00%)
Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" successfully removed.
TASK ERROR: unable to create VM 100 - cannot import from 'esxidmz:ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk' - copy failed: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -p -n -f vmdk -O raw /run/pve/import/esxi/esxidmz/mnt/ha-datacenter/datastore1/asgard/asgard-000002.vmdk zeroinit:/dev/pve/vm-100-disk-0' failed: received interrupt
Have searched the forums but haven't found a fix. Anyone come across this issue?