J jdw Renowned Member Sep 22, 2011 119 5 83 Aug 27, 2013 #1 Converting our very oldest Proxmox cluster to 3.1. Grabbed this screenshot before shutting the last machine down: http://imageshack.us/f/692/vdpl.png/
Converting our very oldest Proxmox cluster to 3.1. Grabbed this screenshot before shutting the last machine down: http://imageshack.us/f/692/vdpl.png/
D Dragoon Renowned Member May 2, 2012 94 6 73 Brandon, Florida, United States enterprisevpssolutions.com Aug 27, 2013 #2 Not bad at all I should've taken a few screenshots over the years to keep for records as well =D
M mo_ Renowned Member Oct 27, 2011 401 8 83 Germany Aug 27, 2013 #3 oh how Id love to still be able to use the 1.x GUI. it was faster, more simplistic (which is a good thing. much like the "old" gray SAP gui is much much better than the "new" yellow one), more responsive. good old times
oh how Id love to still be able to use the 1.x GUI. it was faster, more simplistic (which is a good thing. much like the "old" gray SAP gui is much much better than the "new" yellow one), more responsive. good old times
J jdw Renowned Member Sep 22, 2011 119 5 83 Aug 27, 2013 #4 The login was also easier. Which was important because it also logged you out after like 3 seconds of inactivity.
The login was also easier. Which was important because it also logged you out after like 3 seconds of inactivity.