Please do not blindly follow this information, your devices paths may be different and this is mostly just from my memory which may be flawed.
In my setup I have a hot swap SATA bay that is connected to the motherboard and the BIOS uses AHCI which hot swaps well on every system I have used so far.
First you need to create an encrypted disk:
apt-get install cryptsetup
#Create a key file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/keyfile bs=1024 count=4
chmod 600 /etc/keyfile
#Partition your disk
parted /dev/sdj
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary ext3 1 3000.00GB
#Make the new encrypted volume:
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdj1 /etc/keyfile
#If you want to add a password that can also decrypt the volume:
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdj1 --key-file=/etc/util/keyfile
#Open the encrypted volume:
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdj1 backup --key-file=/etc/keyfile
#Create a filesystem on the encrypted volume:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/backup
#Close the encrypted volume:
cryptsetup luksClose backup
Create a hook script that can mount your encrypted volume.
if [ "$1" == "job-start" ]
#echo "INFO: Calling cryptsetup"
cryptsetup luksOpen [B]/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1[/B] backup --key-file=/etc/keyfile
if [[ `date "+%a"` == "Sat" || `date "+%a"` == "Sun" ]]
e2fsck -y /dev/mapper/backup
mount -o barrier=0,noatime,data=writeback /dev/mapper/backup /backup
if [[ "$1" == "job-end" || "$1" == "job-abort" ]]
#echo "Closing access to disk"
umount /backup
#close encryption
cryptsetup luksClose backup
The bold path defines where to find the backup disk.
Using by-path you can ensure that the same port is used each time you swap a disk, it might be /dev/sde one day and /dev/sdf the next but the by-path will remain the same.
To figure out the path I usually just look at the output of:
ls -la /dev/disk/by-path/
Make the script executible:
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
edit /etc/vzdump.conf and add this:
script: /usr/local/bin/
You will also need to create the folder /backup (or wherever you want the encrypted volume mounted) and add that directory as backup storage path in Proxmox.
Don't forget to backup your key file to a safe place.