O ozgurerdogan Renowned Member May 2, 2010 613 5 83 Bursa, Turkey, Turkey Dec 30, 2014 #1 I know that file is auto created and edited. But I need make monthly backups so if I edit /etc/cron.d/vzdump file to make monthly backups, will it run fine?
I know that file is auto created and edited. But I need make monthly backups so if I edit /etc/cron.d/vzdump file to make monthly backups, will it run fine?
wolfgang Proxmox Retired Staff Retired Staff Oct 1, 2014 6,496 560 103 Dec 30, 2014 #2 Hi, the best way is to make an new independent cron file. you can copy it from the vzdump file and than edit it for your needs.
Hi, the best way is to make an new independent cron file. you can copy it from the vzdump file and than edit it for your needs.
O ozgurerdogan Renowned Member May 2, 2010 613 5 83 Bursa, Turkey, Turkey Dec 30, 2014 #3 wolfgang said: Hi, the best way is to make an new independent cron file. you can copy it from the vzdump file and than edit it for your needs. Click to expand... vzdump file is shorcut of /etc/pve/vzdump.cron So should I make copy of /etc/pve/vzdump.cron ?
wolfgang said: Hi, the best way is to make an new independent cron file. you can copy it from the vzdump file and than edit it for your needs. Click to expand... vzdump file is shorcut of /etc/pve/vzdump.cron So should I make copy of /etc/pve/vzdump.cron ?
O ozgurerdogan Renowned Member May 2, 2010 613 5 83 Bursa, Turkey, Turkey Dec 30, 2014 #4 My line that I added to vzdump.cron is not deleted after I added and removed task from GUI.