Where are the logs stored for spamassassin that has the details? The tracking center log for the email doesn't show what the headers show. It has no details for dkim just that it is (0.1). I would post logs from spamassassin if I knew where they are.
Tracking Center for the email has SA of:
SA score=0/5 time=12.334 bayes=0.00 autolearn=no autolearn_force=no hits=BAYES_00(-1.9),DKIM_INVALID(0.1),DKIM_SIGNED(0.1),HTML_MESSAGE(0.001),HTML_TAG_BALANCE_BODY(0.1),KAM_DMARC_STATUS(0.01),KAM_HTMLNOISE(1),MISSING_MID(0.497),SPF_HELO_PASS(-0.001),SPF_PASS(-0.001),T_HTML_ATTACH(0.01)
dkim=fail (2048-bit key) reason="fail (message has been altered)
This is what is in the header of the email:
Authentication-Results: mail.server.com (amavisd-new);
dkim=fail (2048-bit key) reason="fail (message has been altered)"
I already have custom rules that block other emails based on patterns. If it is easy enough to have spamassassin block, can I match based on the dkim field and set the score to 10.