Disk space differences?


Mar 21, 2009
As I mentioned in one of my other posts, I am currently migrating from ProxMox v1.1 to v1.5...

During this process, I noticed something strange.. I've only had a chance to move 1 VM so far so I can't say if it is consistent, but the one I did move took up 121GB on ProxMox v1.1 and only 70GB on ProxMox v1.5...

Is there any particular reason this may be? I thought something might have gone wrong with the restore, so I deleted it and redid it but it's there and seems to be complete..
On a similar note, I had a container that says (in proxmox) that it takes up 24GB of disk space (the allocated space is 128GB), yes when I ran the vzdump it reached over 150GB before I stopped it (I couldn't wait any longer, I had to bring the machines back up)...

Any ideas?
During this process, I noticed something strange.. I've only had a chance to move 1 VM so far so I can't say if it is consistent, but the one I did move took up 121GB on ProxMox v1.1 and only 70GB on ProxMox v1.5...

how do you migrate? And how do you meassure disk usage?
On a similar note, I had a container that says (in proxmox) that it takes up 24GB of disk space (the allocated space is 128GB), yes when I ran the vzdump it reached over 150GB before I stopped it (I couldn't wait any longer, I had to bring the machines back up)...

Maybe your lvm snapshot runs out of space? Try to increase the snapshot size with --size (see 'man vzdump').