Hello, Could someone help convert this script I found and marked up with pseduo code to use exdupe to functional perl code?
You'll notice in the script that for efficiency purposes I was trying to write it to run the exdupe operations on the node that is storing the back ups.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w# hook script for vzdump (--script option)
# quax@ 26.04.2011, mythicalbox@ 06.09.2012
# thanks to http://www.dim13.org/2011/05/Backup-Proxmox-Containers-to-FTP
use strict;
print "HOOK: " . join (' ', @ARGV) . "\n";
# config
my $host = "host";
my $user = "user";
my $pass = "secret";
my $dir = "/";
my $backupdir = "/mnt/pve/backupsOnNode3";
my $nodeb_backupdir = "/var/lib/vz/backups/dump";
my $phase = shift;
my $mode = shift; # stop/suspend/snapshot
my $vmid = shift;
my $vmtype = $ENV{VMTYPE}; # openvz/qemu
my $dumpdir = $ENV{DUMPDIR};
my $hostname = $ENV{HOSTNAME};
my $tarfile = $ENV{TARFILE};
my $logfile = $ENV{LOGFILE};
my %dispatch = (
"job-start" => \&nop,
"job-end" => \&nop,
"job-abort" => \&nop,
"backup-start" => \&nop,
"backup-end" => \&backup_end,
"backup-abort" => \&nop,
"log-end" => \&log_end,
"pre-stop" => \&nop,
"pre-restart" => \&nop,
sub upload {
my $file = shift;
# left over from old script
#system("echo $pass | ftp-upload -h $host -u $user -s -d $dir $file") == 0 ||
#system("echo $pass | ftp-upload -h $host -u $user -s -d $dir $file") == 0 ||
#die "upload to backup-host failed";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $datetimestamp = "$year-$month-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";
#if FULL file does not exist
#exdupe should run on the node where the files are to prevent extra network/nfs IO traffic
my $createFull = "exdupe -g2 -t12 $nodeb_backupdir/$file $vmid.full";
system("touch $backupdir/$vmid.full-$datetimestamp"); # so we know when the .full was made
#delete original file
system("ssh \"echo $createFull");
#move delta file
my $createDiff = "exdupe -t12 -D $nodeb_backupdir/$file $nodeb_backupdir/$vmid.full $nodeb_backupdir/$vmid-$datetimestamp.diff";
system("ssh \"echo $createDiff");
#delete original file
#delete old backups > maxbackup count
#move to final storage path
print "TEMP DISABLED\n"; #HOOK: upload " . $file . " to ftp://" . $host . $dir . " done\n";
sub nop {
# nothing
sub backup_end {
sub log_end {
# Not storing Log upload($logfile);
exists $dispatch{$phase} ? $dispatch{$phase}() : die "got unknown phase '$phase'";
exit (0);
You'll notice in the script that for efficiency purposes I was trying to write it to run the exdupe operations on the node that is storing the back ups.