Hello all, I've installed proxmox on top of Debian as a developer workstation (so the dev workstation is running both a desktop environment and proxmox) and made this part of a cluster. All works fine and when logged into the developer workstation and running the proxmox UI, I can connect to VMs via the NoVNC method but I can't connect via SPICE. When I try, whether to locally-hosted VMs or remotely-hosted VMs I get the following error:
This only happens when I am logged into the developer workstation and trying to connect to VMs from the ProxMox UI. I've tried saving the profile file off instead of getting the browser to fire up remote-viewer itself but that changes nothing. I've also tried editing the profile file to make the connection host "localhost" or "" or various other values but the best I can do so far is to get it to change to a different address other than ::1 (IPv6 localhost).
I've tried launching from Chromium and from Firefox, no change.
I can connect to the VMs from other machines such as my KDE laptop and also from Raspberry Pis using their version of Debian but I can't connect to any spice clients from Proxmox's web UI from the developer workstation using SPICE. I can however connect to a SPICE client from the command-line avoiding proxmox's UI so it's only connections triggered from the proxmox web UI on the developer workstation that fail.
Any ideas on how to fix this? The contents of my /etc/hosts file is as follows:
This only happens when I am logged into the developer workstation and trying to connect to VMs from the ProxMox UI. I've tried saving the profile file off instead of getting the browser to fire up remote-viewer itself but that changes nothing. I've also tried editing the profile file to make the connection host "localhost" or "" or various other values but the best I can do so far is to get it to change to a different address other than ::1 (IPv6 localhost).
I've tried launching from Chromium and from Firefox, no change.
I can connect to the VMs from other machines such as my KDE laptop and also from Raspberry Pis using their version of Debian but I can't connect to any spice clients from Proxmox's web UI from the developer workstation using SPICE. I can however connect to a SPICE client from the command-line avoiding proxmox's UI so it's only connections triggered from the proxmox web UI on the developer workstation that fail.
Any ideas on how to fix this? The contents of my /etc/hosts file is as follows: localhost d01c02n02f.middle d01c02n02f
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
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