Cursor Issues with NoVNC - 2 Cursors in Firefox !!!


New Member
Dec 20, 2017
So I use FireFox as my primary browser. I am also using ProxMox as my Virtual Machine Hypervisor. ProxMox uses NoVNC as one of the methods to view the console of a VM Guest. It works - BUT when I access a NoVNC Session with Firefox - there are 2 cursors (See File 2Cursors). A local cursor and a remote cursor. I do NOT have this issue of 2 cursors with ANY other browser that I have tried (Chrome, IE, Edge, etc.). All OTHER browsers other than FireFox - there is ONLY a remote cursor when mouse in within the VM Guest Window. I have had to live with 2 cursors in normal VNC in the past in other applications, so that would not have been too big of an issue... BUT - there is a bigger weird issue. The guest I am accessing using NoVNC in ProxMox is running Ubuntu. Ubuntu is running fine and I can access the console fine with NoVNC - and the local and remote cursors are generally the same shape - an arrowhead pointer. BUT then when I re-size the window of one of the Ubuntu programs I am running under CROSSOVER/Wine in Ubuntu, the REMOTE and LOCAL cursors change shape to reflect that I am hovering over an edge of a window - but then when I move the cursor to some other location on the screen, the REMOTE cursor changes back to arrowhead pointer, but the LOCAL cursor stays the RESIZE shape. Once the shape of the LOCAL cursor and REMOTE cursor are different the LOCAL Cursor is now stuck with the WRONG cursor shape. So in my attached file I had hovered the right edge of a window and dragged it a bit to make it smaller. When I started BOTH LOCAL and REMOTE cursors were arrowhead pointers. When I hovered over the right edge of the window - BOTH pointers changed to reflect that I was hovering over an edge. THEN when I move the mouse pointer to a neutral location - the REMOTE pointer went back to an arrowhead, BUT the LOCAL pointer stayed stuck at a DOUBLE ENDED Horizontal Arrowhead (See File ChangedLocalCursor). The ONLY way I have been able to get the mouse pointer back to normal arrowhead when in this window is to restart the ProxMox VM Guest Ubuntu session - which of course restarts the NoVNC server within that session.

Would love to just have REMOTE cursor with Firefox – this would solve the issue !!! Is there some way to tell/configure FireFox to only display the REMOTE cursor ??

I know this is a weird issue - but it drives me NUTS !!!


  • 2Cursors.JPG
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  • ChangedLocalCuror.JPG
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What is your client os (incl. version and destkop environment), what is your guest os version and desktop env. and what is the output of
pveversion -v ?
My client OS is Linux Ubuntu 16.04 (Gnome or XFCE) or Windows 10. In both OS's latest Firefox stable and daily exhibit the weird cursor. Again in BOTH OS clients Chrome is fine, and so is Edge and Explorer in Windows.
My guest OS is Ubuntu 16.04 XFCE.

I could not get the "Select All" and "Copy" to work from the shell. So I attached a file with the version information.


  • Proxmox Version.PNG
    Proxmox Version.PNG
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mhmm.. i cannot reproduce that here (debian with i3/windows 10 as client; win 10/win 7/xubuntu 16.04 as guest; firefox 58) so maybe it is a browser addon/cache/desktop environment issue?
That's bazzar !! So I loaded FireFox 58.0.1 on my Windows 10 PC. I connect into Proxmox via HTTPS and navigate to one of my fresh Ubuntu 16.04 guest install (right from Canonical) - default settings. BTW - I am using "Default" for the display in Proxmox too. Although VGA has same issue. Start Ubuntu guest - click on console - and I have 2 mouse pointers !! See Ubuntu16.04Canonical.PNG. Don't understand why I have 2 cursors and you have one in same Firefox. BTW - I tried SPICE instead of Default and VGA. That actually works fine in firefox - one cursor. BUT - NO Cursor at all with IE or Edge from Windows 10. I will write that one up in a fresh post. I should also let you know that I use Firefox from my Ubuntu PC's around my house, but Edge from my Windows 10 PC from work. So my goal is to get my Guest Console sessions to be consistent across all of my home's OS's and various browsers. Should be OK since it is all HTML5 - right ?


  • Ubuntu16.04Canonical.PNG
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Dcsapak - do you see the DOUBLE cursor using Firefox - or only the REMOTE cursor ? I believe the issue I see with the Local cursor changing and getting stuck different from the remote cursor is limited to when I am running Windows programs in Wine/Crossover. IF I can get rid of the DOUBLE cursor - this second problem goes away too !
Dcsapak - do you see the DOUBLE cursor using Firefox
yes i see the double cursor, but i also see this here on other browsers (e.g. chromium), so it is not really an issue. As far as i remember this comes from a browser limitation, where novnc cannot always hide the local cursor.

the only issue i saw was the stuck cursor, but since this comes from your wine/crossover thing this is probably not really fixable from us
dcsapak really appreciate you responding and testing - great support. I agree - issue is with Firefox - was hoping there was a NoVNC server setting to fix. Will post NoVNC Cursor issue in Firefox forum. Have other issues with cursors that I will post - like there is no cursor at all in IE or Edge when I use Spice instead of NoVNC. Although Spice solves the double/stuck cursor issue with firefox. Lastly - I know this is not the correct post for this question - but I want to support your efforts in Proxmox - financially - but I am not a fan of the subscription model - cause TOO MANY recurring leaks in our budget !! . Do you have an other options other than subscription model for new user setting up a lab ? Like a 1 time license payment for 1 year versions. Crossover has this type of license.
dcsapak - I brought the multiple cursor issue up on the NoVNC support forum. We dug into the issue using several browsers for testing. We tested NoVNC NOT Spice - which like you said - Spice is another animal - and what I observed using a browser and not a Spice client was not relevant.

So the NoVNC support persons said that the issue is that the Browser needs to support a "Blank" cursor presented by the NoVNC server. So he had me open the inspector and look at what the browser had set for the cursor property in the canvas setting for various browsers. Here is the link to our testing: Was able to reproduce the issue - and as you will see from this link - it is fixed in NoVNC at a commit > cd74793 (

So the support at NoVNC person believes the issue is Not a Not a browser issue, and not a NoVNC issue (at least not anymore) but believes that the version of NoVNC Server used in ProxMox needs to be updated to at least commit cd74793 or greater. So my question is this - what commit version of NoVNC is currently used in ProxMox VE 5.1 ?? If the version of NoVNC is older than cd74793 - can a newer version of NoVNC be put into the pipe for future ProxMox updates ?
Thanks !!!
BTW - the issue other issue I am having with the LOCAL cursor changing and getting changed to something other than the arrow pointer is ONLY evident when there are 2 cursors (LOCAL AND REMOTE) and I run a particular Windows program in Linux/Crossover. Once the NoVNC server in Proxmox presents a Blank cursor to Firefox in the and Chrome in the CANVAS, there will only be a single REMOTE cursor - and my original problem with the LOCAL cursor goes away by default. Hope that makes sense ??

we currently are at commit b0061a3c49dc25a71f7b0a9a1f31a8befe787cb4, so the commit you reference is newer
yes, we generally try to stay up to date with the upstream version, in case of novnc we wanted to wait until they release the 1.0.0 version (which should be soon ?)
Thanks for your quick response and awesome support !

Any thoughts on a time frame/release level of Proxmox that would have this fix so I can test it ?
Any thoughts on a time frame/release level of Proxmox that would have this fix so I can test it ?
i cannot really promise when we will do this, but rather sooner than later