There is lots of information out there about performing these steps, the difficulty is in find the most current and accurate specifically for ProxMox 5.2. I am running the most recent version (5.2) of ProxMox and testing out the ability of using it to replace my VmWare ESXi 5.5.0 server. There is much conflicting information about the process of moving a VMDK, I was hoping someone could point me to some updated information. The Wiki in ProxMox Documentation seems to be discussing version 4, and much of the internet information talks about a process of converting the hard drive to IDE first, installing virtio utilities or using other utilities - while others make no mention of it and just suggest running the conversion on the original VMDK file.
I have experimented with one, only to fail in a "Your PC ran into trouble" boot loop. Theses images are large and cumbersome, and I am hoping to get a process down so I can test more on the actual use of the VM - (e.g. if Windows AD survives the migration etc...).
Any assistance anyone can provide in the matter is appreciated.
All my VMDKs use Scsi disks, and I am suspicious that my last attempt failed at the process of copying the VMDK - think I may have gotten into a Veeam snapshot instead of the full VMDK. I am expecting the process would be similar to :
I have experimented with one, only to fail in a "Your PC ran into trouble" boot loop. Theses images are large and cumbersome, and I am hoping to get a process down so I can test more on the actual use of the VM - (e.g. if Windows AD survives the migration etc...).
Any assistance anyone can provide in the matter is appreciated.
All my VMDKs use Scsi disks, and I am suspicious that my last attempt failed at the process of copying the VMDK - think I may have gotten into a Veeam snapshot instead of the full VMDK. I am expecting the process would be similar to :
- Uninstall VmWare utilties from original vmdk
- Stop the VM
- Copy the VMDK and the xxx-flat.vmdk files to ProxMox
- run the qemu convert command on the VMDK file [not the flat] to create a single Qcow2 file
- Create a new VM in proxmox with identical hardware resources (e.g. 60G scsi hard drive, ethernet etc...) so that it will create a new VM ID and hard drive.
- Then replace the newly created Qcow2 file with the converted one from above.