CTs running but GUI shows red X - How do I get the GUI Back?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
San Diego, CA
I tried to add a bind mount to a CT by adding this line to the configuration file:

mp0: /mount/media,mp=/mount/media

Where /mount/media is an NFS mount on my proxmox server and I want to mount it at the exact same location on the CT.

When I restarted the CT it would not come back. When I tried to start it again from the GUI, the GUI kept telling me it was already started. I could not ssh nor ping the CT. I logged out of the GUI and when I logged back in, the datacenter is available but the actual prox node under it has a red x. All of my CTs are still running with the exception of the one that I had trouble restarting.

How do I get my GUI back without having to reboot the node and all of the containers within it? This is the second time I have lost all access to the GUI, or more specifically the GUI responds but the node itself shows a Red X.

I am running the latest enterprise version with all updates.

the datacenter is available but the actual prox node under it has a red x
is this a standalone host? if yes, see if restarting pvestatd fixes the problem
if your nfs mount hangs, this can be a problem

try 'pvesm status' to see if the nfs mount hangs
Dominik -

Yes, this is a standalone host. I ended up having to reboot the entire server to get the GUI back even though my VMs and CTs were still up and running. I have multiple other CTs and VMs that are accessing the same NFS mountpoint, so I don't think it was an NFS issue as much as a GUI issue.

pvesm status only shos my local filesystems (all zfs) not any of my NFS mounts.
If anyone else finds this - Proxmox 6.0

Log into the cluster that has all the nodes in green but one node in red
click on the red node
Click on system
Check all the services are running. In-particular CronSync.
Once I started that it added itself back to the Cluster in about 30 seconds.
